Sunday 19 April 2015

Evaluation 4 - Use of Technology

How did you use Technologies in the research/planning, construction and evaluation stages? 

I recorded all my research and planning in the form of a blog. When setting up my blog, I used Googles 'Blogger'; a well established blogging software, which eneables blogger to easily post and attach pictures and vidoes online. Throughout my research and planning of my marketing campaign, I also had to set up an YouTube and SoundCloud account, as they enabled me to upload the videos and sound clips online, which I later on attached onto my blog.

When I was first introduced to 'Blogger' I was not too familiar with the software and at times it seemed to be completed. However, after having just completed my A2 project, I have now been using the software for two years. I have fully familiarized myself with the functions and features of Blogger, maximizing my potential. Blogger enables both my research/planning and evaluation to come to life, by being able to attach photo's and videos. I was also able to embed links, which allowed me to provide a written and visual analysis, of my research. 

When it came to filming my teaser trailer, I used a 'Digital camera' (Panasonic HDC TM90). The digital feature made filming very easy and convenient, as I was able to take a countless number of takes (due to the large amount of storage) and review each shot on the small screen attached to the camera. 

Technologies, such as editing software's were helpful in the construction of my teaser trailer. As highlighted in my research and planning, taglines one of the significant features of my teaser trailer and it was therefore imperative to be included in my trailer. To create my taglines I used software's such as Photo shop and Marquee. I was then able to go a stage further, and make the taglines move, resulting to look and feel more authentic. When editing my teaser trailer I used 'Avid' software. I began by uploading all my shots (covering some into the compatible format) and organising them into separate 'editing bins'.

By organising all my shots in to recycling bins, it made it a lot easier for me to access my shots when I needed them. I did the same for my Music files, Sound effects, titles and captions. On the surface, the organisisng of my files may not seem so important or of any urgency. However, when looked in more detail, as a result of my shots being properly organised, it would result to a more 'smooth' and 'continuous' trailer. This was because, when it came to the editing (combining of shots) of my shots, I did not have to invest that much time in locating specific shots. Whereas, I had more time to invest in the perfecting the editing of my trailer. When editing, I opened each shot, using the Avid software, and trimmed them to the specific length I wanted. After I was done with the trimming of my shots, I went on to place the shots onto layers. The multi track feature, allowed me to place a number of shots and other elements onto one layer at a time. For example, I was enabled to place both shots and sound effects onto one shot at a time, by using the multi track feature. Other elements in which were included into my layers; Titles, Music and captions.

Editing Bin Feature 

In addition, the layers were beneficial when moving different elements along time line individually, as the mixing flowed much more seamlessly. The nine layers allowed me to have room to add effects, such as audio and video fades (both essential components of teaser trailers).

Multi track feature. 

Through the use of Spotifyier (An online Music Hub) I had come up with a conclusion of what music I wanted to include into my teaser trailer. I then used  'Adobe Audition' to extract the tracks and then cut them down to the useful parts. In some cases, I even isolated the majority of the track, apart form one section and then incorporated it into my trailer. I also recorded voice covers and then converted them into a MP3 format and then transferred them to Avid. Through the use of digital technology, in my post production, I was enabled to be more creative. Through both my experience and knowledge, I was able to fully utilize the software to create a authentic and realistic teaser trailer.
Through the use of Photo Shop I was able to create a realistic and authentic poster and magazine cover, as its tools enabled me in include all the conventions of real Poster and magazine covers. Photo Shop allowed me to be creative, in terms of the colour schemes and fonts I used. When editing I used a range of tools including the 'Magnetic lasso', which enabled me to crop around images - to isolate a specific area), 'The eye dropping tool' and 'The Smudge tool'.

Below, I have attached various stages of my Poster and Magazine Cover, using Blogger.