Sunday 30 November 2014

Analysis of 12A Certificate

Below, I have selected the following guidelines for a 12A that could be related to the Horror genre:
  • Mature themes
Mature themes are acceptable, however the treatment must be suitable for teenagers.
  • Moderate Violence -
Moderate violence is allowed, however can not dwell on detail. For example, no emphasis on injuries or blood. Nevertheless, the occasional gory scene may be permitted, if justified by the context of the film.
  • Sexual Violence -  
Sexual Violence can be implied or briefly indicated, regarding a strong contextual justification is provided.
  • Nudity - 
Nudity is allowed, however, only in sexual context and must be brief and discreet.
  • Moderate Language -
Moderate Language is permitted. However, the frequent use of profane language (Such as "Fuck") is not acceptable.
  • Use of Weapons -
The use of weapons is acceptable, however, weapons must be glorified.

  • Physical and Psychological behavior - 
Physical and Psychological behavior is permitted is acceptable. However, these scenes can not be frequent.

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