Sunday 30 November 2014

Analysis of 15 Certificate

I believe that a 15 certificate is most suitable for my film, as it will enable me to reach a much more broader audience than compared to an 18 certificate. This would be is beneficial to both the production companies and distribution companies of my film as they would be target a larger audience.

Below, I have selected the following guidelines for a 15 that could be related to the Horror genre:

  • Strong and Sexualised violence -
Strong and sexulaised violence is permitted, however, scenes cannot be in too much detail. There may be detailed verbal references to sexual violence, but any portrayal of sexual violence must be discreet and provide strong contextual justification.
  • Violence Scenes - 
Strong violence scenes are permitted, however, should not dwell on the infliction of pain and injury.
  • Sexual activity - 
Scenes of sexual activity is permitted providing it is not in strong detail. There may be strong verbal reference to sexual behavior, however, it is unlikely it would be acceptable if not justified by the context. 
  • Scenes of Nudity - 
Scenes of nudity is permitted providing there is sexual context. According to the BBFC there is no constraints on nudity, in non sexual or educational context. 
  • Moderate Language -
According to the 'BBFC' there may be frequent strong language (For example; 'Fuck'). However, the strongest terms (For example; 'Cunt') may be acceptable if justified by the context.  
  • Weapons - 
The use of weapons are acceptable, providing easily accessible weapons are not glorified (For example; 'A Kitchen Knike'. 

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