Monday 1 December 2014

Analysis of 18 Certificate

Below, I have selected the following guidelines for a 18 that could be related to the Horror genre:

The Human Rights Act 1998, states that once over the age of 18 one is considered an adult and is therefore, free in choosing their own entertainment. Exceptions are most likely in the following areas;
  • Explicit Images 
If majority of material contains explicit images of sexual activity which cannot be justified by the content. These scenes would have to be removed or additional scenes will be required to justify the scene.
  • Material harms audience. 
If material appears by the BBFC to either risk harm to individuals through their behavior, to society. For example, Detail portrayed of violence or dangerous acts or the use of illegal drug use (Which could cause harm to public health or morals).
  • Breach of criminal law - 
According to the BBFC if there is any breach of criminal law or has been created through the commission of a criminal offence, then it is more than likely that it would not be accepted.

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