Wednesday 10 December 2014

Analysis of Empire magazine.

In this post I will be analysing a number of different 'Empire' magazine front covers. I will evaluate each front cover, in terms of their conventions. I will then compare the conventions I found and compile a list of similarities and differences, in terms of conventions. I will then incorporate these similarities into the planning of my magazine cover, making it look more authentic and realistic, as they will contain real conventions.

Similarities and Differences
  • - Dominated by Star - 
The first similarity I found when anylsing Empires magazine covers was that they are all dominated by the central protagonist of the film.
  •  - Big Budged Movies - 
The second similarity I found in all five Empire magazine covers was that they only feature big budget holly-wood films. In  my research and planning of magazine covers, I noticed that I had not come across an empire magazine cover which featured an independent British movie. This is because Empire only focuses on big budget movies and films with recognisable actors.
  • Bold Font/Colours 
In all the five Empire Magazine front covers I looked,  had bold fonts and colours which stood out.
I believe these bold fonts and colours are used in order to stand out. the use of these fonts and colours could be to represent the magazine as something  I believe that these fonts and colours are used in order to portray the image of the magazine, which something 'Big' and 'Out-there', as they only feature big budget movies.
  • - Cover lines - 
Another similarity I noticed in almost all Empire magazine covers was that they included 'Cover Lines' which usually references a list character/ Actors and Big budget movies.

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