Monday 15 December 2014

Potential names for my Magazine Cover.

The name of my magazine cover (Also known as the 'Mashhead') is the biggest font on the page, it is therefore crucial that I pick a well thought out name. I am looking for something catchy and noticeable. Through the use of Two focus groups, I was able to reduce my possible name choices to 6. For each possible name I have written a short summery of they overall opinion.

Below, I have attached an overview of the results I collected from both focus groups:

  • Big Screen
A large percentage of people from my focus group responded possibly to this title as they said it was catchy and memorable. One person suggested that word 'Big', suggests that only big budget movies will be featured in my magazine.
  • Red Carpet
The focus group suggested that this title was quite arthouse and did not really reference the film industry at all (Especially not the mainstream industry).
  • Cinema 
From the feedback I have given, this name appears to be too plain. As a result it does not stand out to my target audience or appear to be catchy.
  • HollyWood
The results indicated this this title was the least favorite, as it got the most negative feedback. It appeared to not be catchy or standout to my target audience.
  • Big Budget 
The majority of responses to this title suggest that it was not successful as anticipated. The title did not appear catchy or stand out to my audience.
  • A-LIST
This title was quite popular as the majority of people voted in favour of 'A-List'. One mentioned that the name suggests the content is of high quality, as the letter 'A', implies it is at the top of the list.

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