Sunday 7 December 2014

Poster Questionnaire - Expectations of Genre.

I have attached a blank and filled in copy of my Questionnaire below. 

I have also produced graphs of some results from my questionnaire:

Blank Questionnaire         

                                                           Filled in Questionnaire

Below, I have created graphs on the results key questions of my questionnaire.I am going to break down each graph and evaluate the result. This will allow me to gain a better understanding on my target audience, in the sense of their expectation and interests of posters in general. I will then collect these result and incorporate the key points in the making of my poster, to ensure they are appealing and relevant to my target audience.

The theme of this question is based in the use of taglines. After carrying our research on what taglines are and looking at existing horror taglines, it has now provied me with a clear understanding of its importance. Taglines acts as an tool which provides information regarding the narrative of the film. In addition, they also indicate the genre of the film to the audience. It is for this reason why my result seem to be both logical and understandable,
as 'Genre' was the most popular result.

The theme of this question based on the marketing of my poster. As a result of advancements in technology and the increase of people using computers, it is therefore
understandable that 'Viral Marketing' and 'Trailers' are two most popular results. 

This question is based on the importance of movie posters in general. It is essentially asking the audience whether or not they find posters an effective source of marketing. The result clearly show the significance of posters, as the majority thought it was 'Crucial'.

This question gives me a more detailed understanding to where the majority of my target audience see posters in general. The results suggest the majority see posters on Billboards. This result is understandable, as a big budget film would invest a lot of money in promoting their film to the public.

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