Wednesday 26 November 2014

Introduction To Research On Possible Certificates

As part of the research and planning of film, I have to come to a suitable certificate for my film. The chosen certificate will appear on both my Teaser Trailer and Poster. As I have very little knowledge on which certificate is most suitable for my Film, in the next couple of posts, I will anaylsye each possible certificate. This will provide me with a better understand of which certificate is best suited for my film. Most of my research will 'Secondary research, as it will involve me gather existing research from the 'British Board of Film Class' website.

Below, I have attached a link to BBFC website:
BBFC Webiste 

I will only be looking at 3 possible certificates, as I believe these would be most suitable to my specific movie, in terms of my target audience and genre. These possible certificates include;

  • 12A
  • 15 
  • 18 

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