Sunday 19 April 2015

Evaluation 4 - Use of Technology

How did you use Technologies in the research/planning, construction and evaluation stages? 

I recorded all my research and planning in the form of a blog. When setting up my blog, I used Googles 'Blogger'; a well established blogging software, which eneables blogger to easily post and attach pictures and vidoes online. Throughout my research and planning of my marketing campaign, I also had to set up an YouTube and SoundCloud account, as they enabled me to upload the videos and sound clips online, which I later on attached onto my blog.

When I was first introduced to 'Blogger' I was not too familiar with the software and at times it seemed to be completed. However, after having just completed my A2 project, I have now been using the software for two years. I have fully familiarized myself with the functions and features of Blogger, maximizing my potential. Blogger enables both my research/planning and evaluation to come to life, by being able to attach photo's and videos. I was also able to embed links, which allowed me to provide a written and visual analysis, of my research. 

When it came to filming my teaser trailer, I used a 'Digital camera' (Panasonic HDC TM90). The digital feature made filming very easy and convenient, as I was able to take a countless number of takes (due to the large amount of storage) and review each shot on the small screen attached to the camera. 

Technologies, such as editing software's were helpful in the construction of my teaser trailer. As highlighted in my research and planning, taglines one of the significant features of my teaser trailer and it was therefore imperative to be included in my trailer. To create my taglines I used software's such as Photo shop and Marquee. I was then able to go a stage further, and make the taglines move, resulting to look and feel more authentic. When editing my teaser trailer I used 'Avid' software. I began by uploading all my shots (covering some into the compatible format) and organising them into separate 'editing bins'.

By organising all my shots in to recycling bins, it made it a lot easier for me to access my shots when I needed them. I did the same for my Music files, Sound effects, titles and captions. On the surface, the organisisng of my files may not seem so important or of any urgency. However, when looked in more detail, as a result of my shots being properly organised, it would result to a more 'smooth' and 'continuous' trailer. This was because, when it came to the editing (combining of shots) of my shots, I did not have to invest that much time in locating specific shots. Whereas, I had more time to invest in the perfecting the editing of my trailer. When editing, I opened each shot, using the Avid software, and trimmed them to the specific length I wanted. After I was done with the trimming of my shots, I went on to place the shots onto layers. The multi track feature, allowed me to place a number of shots and other elements onto one layer at a time. For example, I was enabled to place both shots and sound effects onto one shot at a time, by using the multi track feature. Other elements in which were included into my layers; Titles, Music and captions.

Editing Bin Feature 

In addition, the layers were beneficial when moving different elements along time line individually, as the mixing flowed much more seamlessly. The nine layers allowed me to have room to add effects, such as audio and video fades (both essential components of teaser trailers).

Multi track feature. 

Through the use of Spotifyier (An online Music Hub) I had come up with a conclusion of what music I wanted to include into my teaser trailer. I then used  'Adobe Audition' to extract the tracks and then cut them down to the useful parts. In some cases, I even isolated the majority of the track, apart form one section and then incorporated it into my trailer. I also recorded voice covers and then converted them into a MP3 format and then transferred them to Avid. Through the use of digital technology, in my post production, I was enabled to be more creative. Through both my experience and knowledge, I was able to fully utilize the software to create a authentic and realistic teaser trailer.
Through the use of Photo Shop I was able to create a realistic and authentic poster and magazine cover, as its tools enabled me in include all the conventions of real Poster and magazine covers. Photo Shop allowed me to be creative, in terms of the colour schemes and fonts I used. When editing I used a range of tools including the 'Magnetic lasso', which enabled me to crop around images - to isolate a specific area), 'The eye dropping tool' and 'The Smudge tool'.

Below, I have attached various stages of my Poster and Magazine Cover, using Blogger.

Sunday 1 March 2015

Evaluation 3 - Audience feedback

What have you learnt from your audience feed back?

When I carried my research and planning of my marketing campaign, in almost every area of my campaign I refereed to the feedback of my target audience, as they are my end consumer of my final product. The feedback I received from my target audience was highly beneficial, as it provided me with a vivid clarity with what they would expect from my marketing campaign. All three area's of my campaign; My Poster, Teaser Trailer and Magazine cover are therefore based on the feedback of my overall audience, as if it is not shaped to their needs and wants, than the camping would not be successful. The two main area's in which I learnt and benefited most from, in terms of audience feedback, is during my research and planning and after my marketing campaign was finished.

Audience feedback during research and planning

Throughout my research and planning I conducted various focus groups and questionnaires, amangst my fellow students, teachers, family and friends. As well as using secondary research (collecting existing research), a lot of my planning involved the use of primary research. This feedback enabled to get an idea and feel of what responses I would get from my target audience.

My audience feedback focused on three main area's of my marketing campaign; 
  • My expectation of genre in relation to posters. 
  • Audience expectation of my magazine cover. 
  • Focus group on names for both Posters & Magazine Cover. 
My first piece of primary research is a questionnaire based on the expectations of my genre, in terms of posters. I have asked my target audience a total of 12 questions, which analyse a broad range of conventions of a stereo typical movie poster. For example, "What of the following conventions would you expect to see on a movie poster?". I also include question which not only focus on the convention themselves, but on issues surrounding the poster, such as; "Where do you look at posters?". After I collected my filled in questionnaires, I gathered the result and produced a number of graphs, which enabled  me with an indication to the expectations of my audience, in terms of Posters.

My Final Poster 

I then carried out the same task, but in relation to Magazine covers. These questions were more detailed and specific, in comparison to the questions included in my Poster questionnaire, and I therefore only had a total of three questions. Similarly, the questions asked appeared to be broad, analyzing a range of different conventions of Magazine covers. These questions include features, such; the layout, content and expectations of magazine covers. Similarly,  I then collected in the filled in questionnaires and produced a number of graphs, which enabled me with a clear indication of audiences expectations, in terms of Magazine covers.

Questionnaire based on Audience Expectation - Magazine

My Final Magazine Cover  

An additional piece of primary research I carried out, was based on potential names of my magazine cover. It was essential that I consulted my target audience, when deciding such a key element of my marketing campaign, as they would be purchasing the product. Therefore, I came up with s variety of names for my magazine cover and organised a focus group t select their favorite choice. I repeated this process a number of times, as i was then enabled to gather to result and for an average, from all the focus groups, on which name was most popular.

Focus group based on Potential names of Magazine cover

My Final Teaser Trailer  

Finally with all the elements of my marketing campaign I asked my audience if they worked together, in looking real and authentic. The response I received was that all individual pieces of my marketing campaign were unified, and felt like they were all promoting the same film.

Post Audience feedback
Once I had completed all elements of my marketing campaign, I then set out in conducting a second round of research in attempt of getting an idea of my target audience response to my completed campaign.

Once I had finished my poster, I created another questionnaire, in order to get my target audiences response to my final poster. One of the main areas in which my audience focused on was the 'font' of my poster. It was often described as 'unified' and 'connected', with my genre. Therefore, the font of my poster acted as a good and clear indicator, of the genre of my film. Another element in which my audeicne picked up on, was the colour scheme of my marketing campaign. It was often referred too as 'eye catching' and unique' and successful in attracting the attention of the 'Horror fans'.

Questionnaire - Audience's Response to final Poster.

After rigorous research into the different types of magazine publications, I set out in publishing a 'mainstream' magazine. I felt this decision was most suitable for a my big blockbuster production. Therefore, contrary to an 'independent production' where they would feature a well known producer, my publication features a well known 'star'. The response I received from my target audience was that this decision was successful, as it resulted to my cover looking both realistic and authentic to real publications. In addition, many responses thought it was a good idea to use my teacher, as a big 'A-list' star, as he fits the description (Old enough to have experience in the industry - yet not too old).

Questionnaire - Audience Response to Magazine cover

Evaluation 2 - Effectiveness of a unified campaign

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

For the success of any marketing campaign it is essential to contain a sense of continuity across all of the media products that are being used to promote the film (For example Trailer, Poster and Magazine covers).
                 Poster                                                                        Magazine Cover

                                                           Teaser Trailer

This continuity will enable the audience to realize that each text is advertising the same film. A unified campaign helps establish an awareness of the film, almost bombarding the potential audience with constant images, clips and fonts, associated with the upcoming film. Essentially, this sense of continuity is done in order familiarize the audience with the film, so that when they are making a decision on what movie to watch, they will be more appealed too the promoted film.

Out of all the media products the clearest examples of unity across the campaign can be found across my teaser trailer and poster. This is because, these are the two types of promotional materials that would be controlled by the distrabution, in charge of marketing. Elements that are similar between my poster and teaser trailer include; Production company logo's, Billing. Taglines, Similar images in both, Fonts for taglines and name of the film, release dates, websites and a clear indication of genre.

Throughout my research on my marketing campaign, I invested a lot of time and effort in ensuring all elements of my campaign were unified, in particular the font of my campaign. I wanted to unify the title of both my teaser trailer and post, so when marketing they would be easily recongniable that they belong to the same font. When conducting my research I was very selective with the font I chose, as I had to consider a number of factors. One of which, was that the same font was going to appear in both my teaser trailer and poster, however, had to ensure that the title was effective on both forms of my campaign. The font I used is called "    ", I used the same font on my Titles, Tagline, Release date. (INSERT MISSING INFORMATION)

Font from Teaser Trailer

Font from Poster

The taglines used in my teaser trailer and poster is; "Evil will unlock your memories". My tagline comes of as sinister and fearful. By having the same tagline in my teaser trailer and on my poster it becomes easy for the audience to associate them with the same film. However, I  will not include my tagline in my magazine cover.

Tagline from Teaser Trailer

Tagline from Poster

The main central image used in the poster is not the same as the image I would use on the magazine cover. Magazine covers often have pictures of well known directors, stars and characters (as I discovered in my research on magazine covers). I imagine similar images will appear on other posters in my camping, in promoting my film.

Central Image from Teaser Trailer 

Central Image from Post 

I used the same Credits/ Billing on both my poster and teaser trailer. However, the font I used is different. 'Steel tongs' is the font I used for the billing on my poster, whereas, I used the font 'Raquiem' for my teaser trailer. It is essential that I include my Credit/Billing in both media products in making them look authentic and realistic. Despite the order being different, they both include the same information. In addition, the billing that appears on my teaser trailer is on presented on two frames, whereas, the Billing/Credit on my poster appear on a single frame.

Billing from my Teaser Trailer 

Billing from my Poster 

Often the most difficult element of a marketing campaign to unify is a magazine front cover, as magazines have their own house style, which distribution companies have no control over. It is important however, for production and distribution companies, that information related to their film appears on the front of appropriate magazines in the build up of the films release. The control that they do have regarding the way that they film appears on the front of their film magazine is mostly related to the image that accompany's the main cover line. More often than not the image of the actor is a publisity shot taken by the marketing department of the film and sent to media outlets as part of a press pack/press kit.  This way, the distribution company ensures that the image appearing on the magazine is similar to images that appear on the poster or in the teaser trailer.

Evaluation 1 - Use of real conventions - Magazine Cover.

In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and Conventions of real media products?

When I started my research into the conventions on magazine covers, one of the elements I wanted to investigate was whether or not the conventions would change regarding the type of genre. My research proves that the conventions such as Masthead, cover lines, date, issue numbers and bare code do not change, regardless of the genre.

After looking a range of different magazine publications, ranging from different genres I gained a better understanding of the common conventions that appear throughout the publications. The main different between mainstream cover's and independent cover's is the image which appears on the front. Mainstream magazines, such as Empire and Total Film always have a recognisable star or character on the front of the cover. Whereas, in comparison to an independent magazine, such as Sight and Sound and Movie Maker always have images of lesser known actors or directors.

Magazine covers are an additional tool in promoting and creating anticipation of the film, during its marketing campaign. It is therefore essential to use all the necessary conventions to attract the audiences attention. It is for this reason, I made a conscious effort to include all the existing conventions I found in my research on magazine covers. As a result of including all these existing conventions, my final Magazine cover should look more realistic and authentic to real publications.

Final Magazine Cover

Below, I have attached a list and an example of all conventions found in y Magazine cover. In addition, I have attached an example from both my Magazine cover and an existing cover, in order to hight the authenticity.


Throughout my research on magazine covers, Mastheads were the first feature I noticed on the cover. This was most probably due to Masthead being the largest text on the page, resulting it to stand out form the rest of the page.
'Example from my  Magazine Cover'

'Example existing film publication'

Cover lines 

The second most recongnisable feature of magazine covers are their cover lines. Cover lines all feature films that are coming out at a similar time as the main film, which is being featured. The cover lines featured in my magazine cover come from a range of different genre's. This meant researching the different genres's and selecting relevant films, which are going to be released around the same time as my film.
'Example from my  Magazine Cover'

'Example from an existing film publication'


Circular banners featured in almost every single mainstream magazine cover I analysed. I found them very effective and creative. I therefore included a circular banner in my magazine in my magazine cover. 
'Example from my  Magazine Cover'

'Example from existing film publication'


'Example from my  Magazine Cover'
Unlike the other features I found in my research, despite the type of publication, barcodes apprehend in every magazine cover. By included a barcodes it make the magazine cover look and feel more authentic. It is for this reason I included one in my final magazine cover.

'Example from an existing film publication. 

Issue Number, Date and Price  

Example from my  Magazine Cover'

'Example from an existing film publication'

In addition, all magazine covers i analysed featured am issue number, date and price.

Evaluation 1 - Use of real conventions - Poster

In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and Conventions of real media products?

I begin the research for my movie poster by  I looking at a variety of existing posters from a range of different genre's . This enabled me to gain an idea of some of the typical conventions used throughout movie posters. In addition, just like my research on teaser trailers, I wanted to see whether or not the conventions were consistent throughout the different genre's. For example, I analyse posters such as; The Avengers (Action),  Filth (Comedy), Texas chainsaw (Horror) and Titanic (Romantic Drama). After analysing a number of different posters, I  found a number of conventions that appeared in almost every single poster, regardless of the genre.These conventions include billing, credit. release dates, reviews/ rating and a tagline which references the genre.

Introduction to Posters

Once I had decided the genre of my marketing campaign (horror genre), the rest of my research on movie poster all derived from this genre. My research began to be more focused, as I began to anaylse film posters which were specific to my genre, such as; Sinister, Cabin in the woods and Possession. I took a note of how the genre is presented in each poster through its conventions, such as iconography, fonts and props. Another attempt in displaying the horror genre in my poster is through the use of quotations from reviews (taken from appropriate magazines), fonts that reflect genre, taglines which reflect genre, a colour scheme which reflects genre, and an image which reflects genre.  



One of the first conventions I had found in terms of posters was that the title was always the biggest font on the poster. I took this into account when creating my movie poster.




Another convention I found regarding posters was reviews. The majority of posters contained about four reviews each poster. These reviews were mainly used to entice the audience to go and see the film and to create anticipation for its release.




Taglines was another popular convention, as they appeared in every poster I had analysed. I looked at a number of taglines in relation to the horror genre, before creating my very own taglines.




Billing/Credits was another convention that appeared in every movie poster I had anylased. In addition, the billing/credits appears not only in the poster of a marketing campaign, but also in the trailer.


The release date is another convention used in movie poster. It's main use is to build anticipation amongst the viewers.

Evaluation 1 - Use of real conventions -Teaser trailers

In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and Conventions of real media products?

In the preparation to my research on teaser trailers, I began by getting a better understanding on the differences between a teaser trailer and Theatrical trailer. I set out this task by comparing the teaser trailer to the theatrical trailer in order to highlight the differences in content and in terms of its structure. I carried out this task for two films, in order to see if these differences were consitant; the films I analysed were Fast and Furious 6" & Marvel Avengers. 

When i conducted my research on the comparison between the two types of trailers, I made a list of all the differences. In doing this it came to my attention that all the differences were almost the same.

Comparison of both trailers for "Marvel Avengers"

I then looked at a series of teaser trailers, from a range of different genres to see whether or not the conventions were consistent throughout. Throughout my research on conventions of existing teaser trailers from different genre's, I made a list of all the conventions, so I could then incorporate them when creating my teaser trailer, in order to make it feel more authentic and realistic. Some of the conventions that were consitent include, production companies, indication to genre, taglines and rapid editing. Below I have attached a link of my complete conventions;


Evaluation 1 - Introduction to the use of real conventions

In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and Conventions of real media products?

My A2 production focused on producing a realistic and authentic marketing campaign, for an imaginary movie of my choice. It was essential that all elements of my marketing campaign were authentic and were as realistic as possible to existing campaigns. This required me to conduct a lot of research and planning, as I had to research both what is included in an existing marketing campaign and was in which I can make these specific elements look and feel as authentic as possible.

As I had very little knowledge and understanding on what is included in a marketing campaign, after some reach, it was clear that I need to produce a Teaser Trailer, Poster and a Magazine Cover. Before I was able to carry out my task, I had to carry out in depth research and planning into the existing conventions from all elements of my marketing campaign (Teaser trailer, Poster, Magazine Cover).

Friday 2 January 2015

Questionnaire - Audience's Response to final Poster.

In this post. I will be creating a questionnaire based on my target audience's response to my finished Poster, in order to evaluate whether or not I have met the needs of my target market.

Questionnaire - Audience's Response to final Magazine cover.

In this post. I will be creating a questionnaire based on my target audience's response to my finished Magazine cover, in order to evaluate whether or not I have met the needs of my target market.