Sunday 1 March 2015

Evaluation 1 - Use of real conventions - Magazine Cover.

In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and Conventions of real media products?

When I started my research into the conventions on magazine covers, one of the elements I wanted to investigate was whether or not the conventions would change regarding the type of genre. My research proves that the conventions such as Masthead, cover lines, date, issue numbers and bare code do not change, regardless of the genre.

After looking a range of different magazine publications, ranging from different genres I gained a better understanding of the common conventions that appear throughout the publications. The main different between mainstream cover's and independent cover's is the image which appears on the front. Mainstream magazines, such as Empire and Total Film always have a recognisable star or character on the front of the cover. Whereas, in comparison to an independent magazine, such as Sight and Sound and Movie Maker always have images of lesser known actors or directors.

Magazine covers are an additional tool in promoting and creating anticipation of the film, during its marketing campaign. It is therefore essential to use all the necessary conventions to attract the audiences attention. It is for this reason, I made a conscious effort to include all the existing conventions I found in my research on magazine covers. As a result of including all these existing conventions, my final Magazine cover should look more realistic and authentic to real publications.

Final Magazine Cover

Below, I have attached a list and an example of all conventions found in y Magazine cover. In addition, I have attached an example from both my Magazine cover and an existing cover, in order to hight the authenticity.


Throughout my research on magazine covers, Mastheads were the first feature I noticed on the cover. This was most probably due to Masthead being the largest text on the page, resulting it to stand out form the rest of the page.
'Example from my  Magazine Cover'

'Example existing film publication'

Cover lines 

The second most recongnisable feature of magazine covers are their cover lines. Cover lines all feature films that are coming out at a similar time as the main film, which is being featured. The cover lines featured in my magazine cover come from a range of different genre's. This meant researching the different genres's and selecting relevant films, which are going to be released around the same time as my film.
'Example from my  Magazine Cover'

'Example from an existing film publication'


Circular banners featured in almost every single mainstream magazine cover I analysed. I found them very effective and creative. I therefore included a circular banner in my magazine in my magazine cover. 
'Example from my  Magazine Cover'

'Example from existing film publication'


'Example from my  Magazine Cover'
Unlike the other features I found in my research, despite the type of publication, barcodes apprehend in every magazine cover. By included a barcodes it make the magazine cover look and feel more authentic. It is for this reason I included one in my final magazine cover.

'Example from an existing film publication. 

Issue Number, Date and Price  

Example from my  Magazine Cover'

'Example from an existing film publication'

In addition, all magazine covers i analysed featured am issue number, date and price.

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