Sunday 1 March 2015

Evaluation 2 - Effectiveness of a unified campaign

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

For the success of any marketing campaign it is essential to contain a sense of continuity across all of the media products that are being used to promote the film (For example Trailer, Poster and Magazine covers).
                 Poster                                                                        Magazine Cover

                                                           Teaser Trailer

This continuity will enable the audience to realize that each text is advertising the same film. A unified campaign helps establish an awareness of the film, almost bombarding the potential audience with constant images, clips and fonts, associated with the upcoming film. Essentially, this sense of continuity is done in order familiarize the audience with the film, so that when they are making a decision on what movie to watch, they will be more appealed too the promoted film.

Out of all the media products the clearest examples of unity across the campaign can be found across my teaser trailer and poster. This is because, these are the two types of promotional materials that would be controlled by the distrabution, in charge of marketing. Elements that are similar between my poster and teaser trailer include; Production company logo's, Billing. Taglines, Similar images in both, Fonts for taglines and name of the film, release dates, websites and a clear indication of genre.

Throughout my research on my marketing campaign, I invested a lot of time and effort in ensuring all elements of my campaign were unified, in particular the font of my campaign. I wanted to unify the title of both my teaser trailer and post, so when marketing they would be easily recongniable that they belong to the same font. When conducting my research I was very selective with the font I chose, as I had to consider a number of factors. One of which, was that the same font was going to appear in both my teaser trailer and poster, however, had to ensure that the title was effective on both forms of my campaign. The font I used is called "    ", I used the same font on my Titles, Tagline, Release date. (INSERT MISSING INFORMATION)

Font from Teaser Trailer

Font from Poster

The taglines used in my teaser trailer and poster is; "Evil will unlock your memories". My tagline comes of as sinister and fearful. By having the same tagline in my teaser trailer and on my poster it becomes easy for the audience to associate them with the same film. However, I  will not include my tagline in my magazine cover.

Tagline from Teaser Trailer

Tagline from Poster

The main central image used in the poster is not the same as the image I would use on the magazine cover. Magazine covers often have pictures of well known directors, stars and characters (as I discovered in my research on magazine covers). I imagine similar images will appear on other posters in my camping, in promoting my film.

Central Image from Teaser Trailer 

Central Image from Post 

I used the same Credits/ Billing on both my poster and teaser trailer. However, the font I used is different. 'Steel tongs' is the font I used for the billing on my poster, whereas, I used the font 'Raquiem' for my teaser trailer. It is essential that I include my Credit/Billing in both media products in making them look authentic and realistic. Despite the order being different, they both include the same information. In addition, the billing that appears on my teaser trailer is on presented on two frames, whereas, the Billing/Credit on my poster appear on a single frame.

Billing from my Teaser Trailer 

Billing from my Poster 

Often the most difficult element of a marketing campaign to unify is a magazine front cover, as magazines have their own house style, which distribution companies have no control over. It is important however, for production and distribution companies, that information related to their film appears on the front of appropriate magazines in the build up of the films release. The control that they do have regarding the way that they film appears on the front of their film magazine is mostly related to the image that accompany's the main cover line. More often than not the image of the actor is a publisity shot taken by the marketing department of the film and sent to media outlets as part of a press pack/press kit.  This way, the distribution company ensures that the image appearing on the magazine is similar to images that appear on the poster or in the teaser trailer.

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