Sunday 1 March 2015

Evaluation 1 - Introduction to the use of real conventions

In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and Conventions of real media products?

My A2 production focused on producing a realistic and authentic marketing campaign, for an imaginary movie of my choice. It was essential that all elements of my marketing campaign were authentic and were as realistic as possible to existing campaigns. This required me to conduct a lot of research and planning, as I had to research both what is included in an existing marketing campaign and was in which I can make these specific elements look and feel as authentic as possible.

As I had very little knowledge and understanding on what is included in a marketing campaign, after some reach, it was clear that I need to produce a Teaser Trailer, Poster and a Magazine Cover. Before I was able to carry out my task, I had to carry out in depth research and planning into the existing conventions from all elements of my marketing campaign (Teaser trailer, Poster, Magazine Cover).

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