Sunday 1 March 2015

Evaluation 3 - Audience feedback

What have you learnt from your audience feed back?

When I carried my research and planning of my marketing campaign, in almost every area of my campaign I refereed to the feedback of my target audience, as they are my end consumer of my final product. The feedback I received from my target audience was highly beneficial, as it provided me with a vivid clarity with what they would expect from my marketing campaign. All three area's of my campaign; My Poster, Teaser Trailer and Magazine cover are therefore based on the feedback of my overall audience, as if it is not shaped to their needs and wants, than the camping would not be successful. The two main area's in which I learnt and benefited most from, in terms of audience feedback, is during my research and planning and after my marketing campaign was finished.

Audience feedback during research and planning

Throughout my research and planning I conducted various focus groups and questionnaires, amangst my fellow students, teachers, family and friends. As well as using secondary research (collecting existing research), a lot of my planning involved the use of primary research. This feedback enabled to get an idea and feel of what responses I would get from my target audience.

My audience feedback focused on three main area's of my marketing campaign; 
  • My expectation of genre in relation to posters. 
  • Audience expectation of my magazine cover. 
  • Focus group on names for both Posters & Magazine Cover. 
My first piece of primary research is a questionnaire based on the expectations of my genre, in terms of posters. I have asked my target audience a total of 12 questions, which analyse a broad range of conventions of a stereo typical movie poster. For example, "What of the following conventions would you expect to see on a movie poster?". I also include question which not only focus on the convention themselves, but on issues surrounding the poster, such as; "Where do you look at posters?". After I collected my filled in questionnaires, I gathered the result and produced a number of graphs, which enabled  me with an indication to the expectations of my audience, in terms of Posters.

My Final Poster 

I then carried out the same task, but in relation to Magazine covers. These questions were more detailed and specific, in comparison to the questions included in my Poster questionnaire, and I therefore only had a total of three questions. Similarly, the questions asked appeared to be broad, analyzing a range of different conventions of Magazine covers. These questions include features, such; the layout, content and expectations of magazine covers. Similarly,  I then collected in the filled in questionnaires and produced a number of graphs, which enabled me with a clear indication of audiences expectations, in terms of Magazine covers.

Questionnaire based on Audience Expectation - Magazine

My Final Magazine Cover  

An additional piece of primary research I carried out, was based on potential names of my magazine cover. It was essential that I consulted my target audience, when deciding such a key element of my marketing campaign, as they would be purchasing the product. Therefore, I came up with s variety of names for my magazine cover and organised a focus group t select their favorite choice. I repeated this process a number of times, as i was then enabled to gather to result and for an average, from all the focus groups, on which name was most popular.

Focus group based on Potential names of Magazine cover

My Final Teaser Trailer  

Finally with all the elements of my marketing campaign I asked my audience if they worked together, in looking real and authentic. The response I received was that all individual pieces of my marketing campaign were unified, and felt like they were all promoting the same film.

Post Audience feedback
Once I had completed all elements of my marketing campaign, I then set out in conducting a second round of research in attempt of getting an idea of my target audience response to my completed campaign.

Once I had finished my poster, I created another questionnaire, in order to get my target audiences response to my final poster. One of the main areas in which my audience focused on was the 'font' of my poster. It was often described as 'unified' and 'connected', with my genre. Therefore, the font of my poster acted as a good and clear indicator, of the genre of my film. Another element in which my audeicne picked up on, was the colour scheme of my marketing campaign. It was often referred too as 'eye catching' and unique' and successful in attracting the attention of the 'Horror fans'.

Questionnaire - Audience's Response to final Poster.

After rigorous research into the different types of magazine publications, I set out in publishing a 'mainstream' magazine. I felt this decision was most suitable for a my big blockbuster production. Therefore, contrary to an 'independent production' where they would feature a well known producer, my publication features a well known 'star'. The response I received from my target audience was that this decision was successful, as it resulted to my cover looking both realistic and authentic to real publications. In addition, many responses thought it was a good idea to use my teacher, as a big 'A-list' star, as he fits the description (Old enough to have experience in the industry - yet not too old).

Questionnaire - Audience Response to Magazine cover

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