Sunday 1 March 2015

Evaluation 1 - Use of real conventions -Teaser trailers

In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and Conventions of real media products?

In the preparation to my research on teaser trailers, I began by getting a better understanding on the differences between a teaser trailer and Theatrical trailer. I set out this task by comparing the teaser trailer to the theatrical trailer in order to highlight the differences in content and in terms of its structure. I carried out this task for two films, in order to see if these differences were consitant; the films I analysed were Fast and Furious 6" & Marvel Avengers. 

When i conducted my research on the comparison between the two types of trailers, I made a list of all the differences. In doing this it came to my attention that all the differences were almost the same.

Comparison of both trailers for "Marvel Avengers"

I then looked at a series of teaser trailers, from a range of different genres to see whether or not the conventions were consistent throughout. Throughout my research on conventions of existing teaser trailers from different genre's, I made a list of all the conventions, so I could then incorporate them when creating my teaser trailer, in order to make it feel more authentic and realistic. Some of the conventions that were consitent include, production companies, indication to genre, taglines and rapid editing. Below I have attached a link of my complete conventions;


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