Wednesday 1 October 2014

Analysis Of Horror Poster - "The Possession".

This is a poster for the film "The Possession", which was released in 2012. The poster features a number of conventions that relate to my genre, which is Horror. In this post I will be anylsing two different posters for the same film, as they include a number of different conventions of the horror genre.


Below, I have listed the genre conventions of "The Possession":
  • Iconography, There is an extreme long shot, this results to the character appearing to be lonely, alone, almost drowning in the seemingly isolated setting and loosely framed. Features such as vulnerability and isolation are common conventions of the horror genre. 
  • Colour Scheme, The colour scheme of the first poster appears to be dark,muted and bleak. As shown throughout my analysis of horror poster, this is a common colour scheme in horror posters.
  • Font, The font is sinister and unsettling reflecting the genre. 
  • Production Company Logo, The production company, which is 'Ghost House Pictures' is a production company primarily associated with the Horror genre. 
  • Reference To Producer, The producer 'Sam Raimi' is referenced on this poster. He is associated for producing horror movies, including; "The Evil Dead" and "Drag me to hell". 
  • Central Character, The central dominant character is a young girl. A seemingly young girl is a common convention in horror posters. This may because it is directed at children, causing them to feel more frightened. 
  • Tagline, The tagline "Pray for her", indicates a supranatrual source. This source can also be indicated from the street lamp, as it is a ghostly light. These are typical conventions of horror films which involve 'Possession', which is a subgenre of horror films. 

Below, I have listed the genre conventions of "The Cabin In The Woods":

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