Tuesday 14 October 2014

Analysis Of Horror Trailer - "Deliver Us From Evil".

This is a teaser trailer for the film "Deliver Us From Evil ", which was released in 2014. The teaser trailer features a number of conventions that relate to my genre.

  • "Screen Gems" & "Jerrry BruckHeimer" - Production company accoiciated with horror (In a blood red colour), relating to the horror genre. 
  • Sinister music, typical of the horror genre. Mixture of high strings and low basses rumbles. The music reaches a crescendo, 
  • Impact Sounds - this is common convention of the horror genre.
  • Mis En Scene- Low Key lighting, makes it seem sinister and unsettling to the audience.
  • Mis En Scene - Character appears to be isolated and not in control of his well being. The camera has loose framing, making him appear venerable. 
  • Camera Angle - Bird eyes View & Angle, this makes the characters appear venerable and that something is controlling them. 
  • Lighting - The flickering of the light makes it seem that there is another source of power.
  • Hand Held Camera - Use of a Video camera is common convention of horror genre. 
  • Colour Scheme - appear to be muted and bleak, which is a common conventions of horror genre.
  • Character - One of the main characters is a priest, which is common convention of horror as it relates to religion. 
  • Pathetic Fallacy - There is many scenes of 'Lightening' and 'Rain', these are common types of weather found in horror movies. This may be because it reflects misery. 
  • Font - Despite being in red, the font is a common style found in the horror genre.

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