Wednesday 1 October 2014

Analysis Of Horror Poster - "The House At The End Of The Street".

This is a poster for the film "The House At The End Of The Street", which was released in 2012. The poster features a number of conventions that relate to my genre. In this post I will be anylsing two different posters for the same film, as they include a number of different conventions of the horror genre. 

Below, I have listed the genre conventions of "The House At The End Of The Street":

  • Iconography, The poster includes an isolated setting. The house is isolated and appears at the back of the poster (Includes a silhouette of an unknown person). In addition, the poster includes an isolated women. A female victim is a common convention of the horror genre. 
  • Font, The font of the title appearts to be scratched and ghostly. This is a typical theme throughout horror films posters. 
  • Certificate, Most horror films are expected to given an age certificate of an18, but increasing the age has been lowered to 15, as a way of increasing the target audience. 
  • Tagline, The tagline "Fear reaches out.. to the girl next door", is directed at the audience, as it gives the sense that the events in the movie can occur to anyone. This has the effect of making them feel scared and victimised, which is a common convention used in horror posters. 
  • Mis-En-Scene, The women in both poster appears to be a 'Sex object', this is a common convention used throughout horror genre. This is done through 'Costume', and is 'Eye candy'. 

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