Tuesday 30 September 2014

Analysis Of Horror Poster "The Cabin In The Woods".

This is a poster for the film "The Cabin In The Woods", which was released in 2011. The poster features a number of conventions that relate to my genre, which is Horror.

Below, I have listed the genre conventions of "The Cabin In The Woods":

  • Taglines, The Taglines on the poster speck directly to the audience, unsettle and disorientate them. In addition they offer a new take on the general conventions of the Horror genre. 
  • Iconography, The Image on the front of the poster gives of a sinister feel and aprear to me smudged and scratched. These conventions are often found on Horror posters, as they have a direct linked to the Horror genre. 
  • Setting, The poster does not reveal too much too much information in relation to genre, however, the cabin is isolated, which is a conventional feature of horror posters. In addition the abandoned cabin may suggest that the characters within the film will be isolated too. 
  • Colour Scheme, The colour scheme of the poster is dark and bleak. There appears to be a real absence of colour on this poster, this dark colour scheme is typical of horror movie posters.   
  • Effects, The poster appears to be scratched, giving it a chilling look. This is a similar to the last poster I anylsed 'Sinister', when the effects made the walls look as if they has been scratched.   

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