Wednesday 17 September 2014

Comparison of Teaser Trailer and Theatrical trailer for "Marvel's Avengers"

Below I have attached both a 'Teaser' trailer and a 'Theatrical' trailer for "Marvel's Avengers".

Teaser trailer:

Theatrical trailer:

  • The first similarity between the two trailers is revealed at the beginning of both clips. They both share the use of abstract shots, of buildings and large landscapes. However, a difference between the two types of trailers is that these abstract shots are more common in 'Theatrical trailers', than in teaser 'Trailers'.

  • The second similarity I cam across in both Teaser and Theatrical trailer was in terms of its editing. Both types of trailers had the use of fades throughout the clips. However, a noticeable difference was the speed of the fades. The teaser trailer had rapid fades, whereas the theatrical trailer had slower fades. Another difference I noticed in terms of editing was the use of 'Slow motion' shots. This was only used in the theatrical trailers and not in the teaser trailers.

  • A clear similarity of both teaser and theatrical trailer is that they both contain a production company logo. However, a noticeable difference between the two is that the logo appears on the screen for a shorter amount of time in the teaser trailer than the theatrical trailer. 

  • In addition, I noticed that both types of trailers contained extracts of music. However, a noticable difference between the two types of trailers, in term of music, is that the teaser trailer started with music. Whereas, the theatrical trailer took time to play music. Another noticeable difference in both types of trailers, is the types of music used. The teaser trailer contained more dramatic and upbeat music, creating more tension than the theatrical trailer.

  • Once again, both types of trailers contained similarities in terms of effects. In both the teaser and theatrical trailer there was eye-candy, for example explosives. However, a clear difference between the two types of trailers, was that the teaser trailer contained more eye candy in proportion to the theatrical trailer. This may be because the theatrical trailer focuses on the general development of character and story line.

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