Monday 22 September 2014

Conclusion - Conventions Of Teaser Trailer.

Below I have written up a complete list of conventions I have found when analysing teaser trailers, in terms of their conventions. When creating my own teaser trailer, I will use as many of these conventions as I can, in order to make it look as authentic and realistic as possible.

  • Production Logo's (Usually appears at the beginning of the trailer). 
  • Rapid editing (Often Flashes, Dissolves and Quick flashes). 
  • Indication of Genre.
  • References to other Films that share established Producers/Directors). 
  • References to past awards that the cast and crew have won or been nominated for. 
  • Music reflecting the genre of the movie or to create tension or suspension. 
  • Credits of Cast, Crew and Directors - Normally appears towards the end of the trailer, However, can appears throughout the trailer. 
  • Taglines.
  • Sound Effects - Impact Sounds dominate. 
  • Variety Of Camera Shots/Movements. 
  • Reference To Source Material. 
  • Voice over - Often is included with Dialog from the movie. 
  • Eye Candy - This is often in the form of explosives and action. 
  • Link to Website - This usually appears at the end of the trailer. 
  • Title of the Film - This is often at the end of the trailer. 
  • Release Date - In a Teaser trailer, this is likely to be vague, such as "Coming soon" Or "This Summer" and usually appears at the end.  

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