Wednesday 17 September 2014

Comparison of Teaser Trailer and Theatrical trailer for "Fast and Furious 6"

Below I have attached both a 'Teaser' trailer and a 'Theatrical' trailer for Fast and Furious 6".

Teaser trailer:

Theatrical trailer:

  • The first similarity I had found in both teaser trailer and theatrical trailer of 'Fast and Furious 6', was that they both contain a production company logo. However, a noticeable difference between the two is that the logo appears on the screen for a shorter amount of time in the teaser trailer than the theatrical trailer.

  • The second similarity I notice between the two different types of trailers was both of them containing narrative of the film. However, a noticeable difference was the teaser trailer delivering less narrative, whereas the theatrical trailer gave the audience more detail of the story line.

  • In addition, both teaser trailer and theatrical trailer contained elements of editing. Both types of trailers had the use of fades through the clip. However, a noticeable difference between the two types of trailers was the difference in speed of the fades. I noticed this as the teaser trailers faded much quicker than the theatrical trailer.

  • The last similarity which stood out to me was in terms of effects. Both types of trailers contained elements of effects, such as eye-candy (fast cars, attractive looking women, explosives and chases). However, a clear difference between the two, was that the teaser trailer contained more eye candy in proportion to the theatrical trailer. This may be because the theatrical trailer focuses on a general development of character and story line. 

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