Tuesday 30 September 2014

Analysis Of Horror Poster - "Sinister".

This is a poster for the film "Sinister", which was released in 2012. The poster features a number of conventions that relate to my genre.

Below, I have listed the genre conventions of "Sinister":

  • Iconography, Image behind the women is frightening and intimidating to the audience. The Blood behind the women is a clear indication of the films genre. The girl is isolated, 
  • Setting, The poster does not reveal too much information in relation to the genre, however the girl seems to be isolated, which is a common theme in horror films. 
  • Muted Colour Scheme, The scheme appears to be "Dark and Bleak", however, apart from the red, which is smeared on the walls. The dark red is a clear indication of 'Danger' and is a common colour used throughout horror posters. 
  • Tagline, The tagline directly addresses the audience; "Once you see him nothing can save you". This is a clear indication of the genre, as it is related to the theme of 'Death'. Death is a common theme used throughout 'Horror films'. 
  • Title, The font used for the title seems to be written in blood, which is sinister and unsettling. This is a common theme found in 'Horror' posters, which immediately indicated the audience with the genre. 
  •  Reference To Popular Films, The poster refers to films, that derive from the same producer. This is a convention of Horror movie posters, as the audience are familiar with these 'well established' movies, which draw them into watching 'Sinister'. 

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