Thursday 18 September 2014

Introduction To The Conventions Of Teaser trailers.

As I have now completed my research in terms of comparing theatrical and teaser trailers, in terms of their similarities and differences, I now need to focus specifically on teaser trailers, as this is the form of trailer I will produce for my final task.

In order to make my teaser trailer feel as authentic and realistic as real teaser trailers, I need to include existing conventions. As I have very little knowledge on the conventions of teaser trailers, I am going to analyse 6 teasers trailer, in order to have a more detailed understanding of their conventions. I will choose teaser trailers from different genres as I want to identify the conventions that are particularly to a type of trailer. Throughout my research, of the conventions of teaser trailers I will make a list of all the conventions so that I can use them when creating my teaser trailer, in order to make it feel more authentic and realistic.

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