Monday 29 September 2014

Genre anaylse of Posters.

As I have come to a final decision of what genre my film will be based on, my research and planning will be focused more specifically at the way the Horror' genre influences Posters, Magazine front covers and Teaser trailers.

Now, I am going to pick 'Six' posters from the 'Horror' genre and evaluate the specific iconography of the genre. In addition, throughout my research I will make a note of the ways that the 'Horror' genre is reflected through their conventions, such as taglines, Font used and colour schemes.

Below, I have written a list of the 'Six' movie posters I will be evaluating, in terms of their genre.

  • "Sinister".
  • "The Cabin Woods".
  • "The House At The End Of The Street". 
  • "The Possession". 

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