Monday 15 September 2014

Introduction to magazine front covers.

Having analysed a number of magazine publication, ranging from different genres, I am now going to analyse how magazine conventions differ depending on the target audience. As a result highlighting these conventions, I would use later on in my project, when making my own poster. This would result to my looking more authentic and realistic.

I am going to be looking a range of different magazine covers, in order to see if its conventions vary depending on its target audience. I will be anylising its conventions in terms of layout, style and content.

These magazine include;

  • Sight & Sound
  • Neon
  • Empire
  • Movie Maker
  • HotDog

As as a result of not coming to a final decision on my genre. My research and planning will now be focused on magazine front covers, as I will be creating and designing my very own, later in the project.

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