Monday 27 October 2014

Potential Taglines

Having conducted research into existing taglines, specifically to the horror genre, in this post I will compile a list of 'Horror' taglines for my film. I have made a note of the common elements that I had repeatedly noticed when evaluating taglines. When coming up with the taglines for my movie, I incorporated all the conventions I found in my research of taglines, in order to make them as realistic and authentic as possible.

I have attached my previous post below, which includes all mt research on existing taglines, in relation to my specific genre;

Below, I have attached the possible taglines for my movie and written an evaluation for each tagline, including a for and against each tagline. In addition, I have scored each tagline out of 10 and evaluated the top 2.


"Some memories are best forgotten"

I came up with this tagline as it is short and directly to the point. Despite the fact the tagline is not directed towards the audience, it would still be memorable to the audience. In addition, the tagline did not seem to be effective, nevertheless, it included a sense of mystery, as it referred to a memorie the audience are not yet familiar with. 

"Its just a Flash"
Whilst this tagline may not seem be creative, it is suitable in relation to my film. The tagline manages not to give away to much of the plot, however, adds a sense of mystery, as it questions something as simple as a flash. 

"The flash.. you'll never forget". 
This tagline shares similar characteristics to the tagline above, however, I decided to focus this one towards the audience. Despite the fact the way in which this tagline is directed towards is brief, it still adds a sense of anticipation to the audience, as they feel included.  

"The memory which changed everything".
One of the key features of this tagline is that its short and to the point. It is directly related to the story line of my film, as it refers to a memory which has caused a chain of events. As a result of this, it therefore has a sense of mystery, as the audience do not know the memory. 

"He has a side to him, you wont believe"
This tagline instantly creates anticipation for the audience, as they informed to a side of a character that they not yet familuar with. This therefore, creates a sense of mystery to the audience, as they have not yet been introduced to this side of the character. 

"A family man, with a hidden past"
The main thing I love about this tagline, is that it sums up the plot of my film in a sentence. However, it does not manage to involve the audience as much as I would like it to. In addition, it does create anticipation to the audience, as they want to find our more about "this hidden past". 

I really like that how I managed to take something as simple as phase one says when taking a photo, and added a sinister sense to it. It is short and to the point, this is often positive, as it will remain with the audience, compared to something long and less catchy. 

"The Flash which changed everything"
This tagline manages to create a sinister feel, as it takes something as simple as a flash and creates a deeper understanding to its real meaning. It therefore, has a sense of mystery, as the audience are not to sure what the meaning behind the flash is. However, this will be a key factor to drawing in target audience, as they will want to know the meaning behind the flash. 

"Father of the Year"
Despite this tagline being short, it is still one of my favorite out of the lot. The main reason is because it manages to sense of sarcasm to a horror film. Whilst this is not a common of the horror genre, it is that element which creates the sinister feel to it. The tagline does not include common conventions of taglines, such as the tagline being related to the audience. Nevertheless, I believe this tagline is suitable enough to be in my final selection of taglines. 

"The picture which will never be forgotten"
I don't find this tagline to creative, as it does not have a deeper understanding to it like the other taglines. In addition, I don't find it catchy or to the point. This may lead to the audience being put of my film. Lastly, I don't feel that this tagline is related to my genre, as it does not have any relation to the horror genre.

"Evil will unlock your memories"
This is my favorite tagline, as it contains a number of conventions I found when looking at existing horror taglines. The tagline addresses the audience, through the word 'Your', making them feel immersed in the film. The word 'Evil' gives a sinister feel to the film, as it is a conventional theme of horror movies. 

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