Tuesday 7 October 2014

Existing Movie Poster Fonts

In this post I will be looking at a range of different movie posters, from the horror genre. As a result of analysing a range of different fonts, it will help me come to a a final decision to what font I will use in my poster and teaser trailer. In both my teaser trailer and poster, I will be using the same font and tagline, in order to unifie my marketing campaign. I have looked at all the types of fonts used in horror movies posters and teaser trailer and have visited a number of websites:

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DIN 1451 EngSchrift

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Bank Gothic Pro Cond Bold 

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Eric Grill

In conclusion, after looking at a number of existing fonts from horror posters, I noticed that some fonts were more common then others. Whilst, some fonts were rare; 'Neutraface', some fonts proved to be more common, such as; 'Trajan'.

Whilst there are many more fonts that will be reconcilable to the horror genre, I am going to further my research in movie fonts. I am going to write up a list of existing fonts in the name of my film. However, as I have not come to a final decision to the name and story line of my horror movie.

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