Monday 27 October 2014

Potential Production companies.

Throughout my research and planning of both teaser trailers and film posters, regardless of the genre, they both include production company logo's. Its is essential that in my planning and reasech of 'Production Companies', I choose the most suitable company for my film, as the production company provides an indication of the genre of the film. Therefore, due to the fact that my film is based on the horror genre, I would not want to choose a film production company, that specializes in comedy films. As shown in my research, both my teaser trailer and poster of my film has to have at least one production company logo. The logo commonly at the beginning of teaser trailer's in general and at the bottom of film posters.

Below, I have compiled a list of different production companies who I believe would be most suitable to distribute my film, as they are specifically related to the horror genre.

  • 'Summit Entertainment'
  • 'Screen Gems'
  • 'Ghost House Pictures'
  • 'Relativity Media'

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