Tuesday 14 October 2014

Analysis Of Horror Trailer - "Paranormal Activity 4".

This is a teaser trailer for the film "Paranormal Activity 4", which was released in 2012. The teaser trailer features a number of conventions that relate to my genre.


Certificate - Rated 'R', which is the typical rating for horror movies.

Impact Sound - They are sinister, unsettling the audience.

Hand held Camera - Makes the footage seem more realistic and therefore more unsettling.

Canted framing -  It is disorientating to their audience.

Colour Scheme - The colour scheme is muted and dull.

Reviews - Quotation often use language that reflects the genre and are taken from publications that review films from the genre.

Music - Sinister and unsettling music, makes the audience to feel unsettled.

Sound - The use of nursery rhymes is chilling and unsettling to the audience

Characters - The use of children as central characters is typical of the genre.

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